On Tuesday I, along with Annie, set off for the polls. I was the inspector which is strange because it's very rare to see anyone under the age of 55 working in polls, let alone acting as inspector.
One by one my "clerks" arrived and introduced themselves. Each one was unique and entertaining. I had one lady though, who stood out above the rest. She was Burmese. She was about 60. She was a non-stop talker and very "touchy" when she talked so you could not easily ignore her or brush her off. She was extremely inquisitive, very opinionated, and yet she stated that she believed people shouldn't talk about things like politics, religion, race, etc, because those were the things which caused people to not get along with each other. She was of the belief that all beliefs are good, and she had no idea about what happened after death. Phew! She was harder to deal with than a dozen 2 year-olds!
My second clerk was a also an immigrant. She lives in our neighborhood. She's the youngest of 13 but only 6 lived. Her mother prayed that none of her daughters would ever marry so that they could stay home with her, none of them did. She was in her upper 50's (the daughter). She was, as a result of her upbringing, very timid, shy, scared of many things, superstitious and curious. When she found out I was a Christian she lighted up and said, "So am I". I just wondered... she's a Roman Catholic, and goes to the church we were working at.
The third "clerk" was a man who was required to serve in the polls because he works for LA county. He's in charge of 300 health inspectors who grade any business that deals with food. He was in his 40's. He was also Catholic and went to the same church. He was very efficient, precise and did his job with no problems at all.
My fourth clerk was a really sweet, 19 year old girl. She was a quick learner and sat silently sketching beautiful pictures while waiting for the next voter to arrive. She smiled a lot and wasn't embarrassed or ashamed to sit and read a Bible when there was nothing else she was supposed to be doing.
As the day progressed I also spent any spare time reading my Bible. It was interesting how the first clerk would often try to hold me captive in conversation as I tried to read. Knowing that the human soul is the only thing on earth that will count in eternity I like to spend time with people so I would patiently listen to her, after I finally learned that it was no use debating with her.
My second clerk listened also, and she drew nearer to me, and had an obvious attraction/admiration for what I had to say. (She would agree with me over the other lady everytime.)
Towards the end of our long day the second clerk approached me after her break with an article she had picked up about a person who supposedly heard the virgin Mary speak, and saw visions of her, etc... She said, "You should like this, it's Christian." She seemed real pleased to be able to give it to me. I glanced at it and silently asked for wisdom as to how to respond. I could see the man watching to see what I would do with it, and felt burdened for anybody who actually was decieved enough to believe the words written in the article. I decided to return it to the lady who gave it to me and told her that I didn't agree with it. She was shocked! "But it's Christian, aren't you a Christian?" She asked. I told her that I was, but that I didn't believe that praying to dead people was right. I instantly had the attention of all my clerks! I continued explaining to my stunned friend that there was only one way that we could enter into heaven and that was through Jesus Christ. She agreed. And since I had the audience of all at my table I went on to share the gospel. I was filled with an awesome peace as I talked, and the words were definitely not my own. That was the 3rd time that day that I felt the strong presence of the Holy Spirit, and had an opportunity to share the truth with some people who had maybe never heard it quite that way.
Praise the Lord!